Guimarães (Portugal) - Hybrid

12th-14th July, 2023

14th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence

Guimarães (Portugal) | 12th-14th July, 2023 |

Ambient Intelligence (AmI) is a recent paradigm emerging from Artificial Intelligence (AI), where computers are used as proactive tools assisting people with their day-to-day activities, making everyone’s life more comfortable.

Another main concern of AmI originates from the human-computer interaction domain and focuses on offering ways to interact with systems in a more natural way by means of user-friendly interfaces. This field is evolving quickly as can be witnessed by the emerging natural language and gesture based types of interaction.

The inclusion of computational power and communication technologies in everyday objects is growing and their embedding into our environments should be as invisible as possible. In order for AmI to be successful, human interaction with computing power and embedded systems in the surroundings should be smooth and happen without people actually noticing it. The only awareness people should have arises from AmI: more safety, comfort and wellbeing, emerging in a natural and inherent way. ISAmI is the International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, aiming to bring together researchers from various disciplines that constitute the scientific field of Ambient Intelligence to present and discuss the latest results, new ideas, projects and lessons learned. Brand new ideas will be greatly appreciated, as well as relevant revisions and actualizations of previously presented work, project summaries and PhD theses.

Proceedings of ISAmI 2022 are available:

Ambient Intelligence — Software and Applications

13th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAmI 2022)

Editors: Vicente Julián, João Carneiro, Ricardo S. Alonso, Pablo Chamoso, Paulo Novais

More information

The proceedings of the previous edition are available:


Special Issues

The Scientific Committee of the co-located conferences in collaboration with the guest editors will select the best papers from those presented in the conferences to be considered for publication in the following Special Issues:

Authors of selected papers from PAAMS and Co-located Events will be invited to submit an extended and improved version to a Special Issue "Frontiers of Agents and Multiagent Systems" published in MDPI Sensors Journal (ISSN: 1424-8220, JCR (2021): 3.847 (Q2))
Authors of selected papers from PAAMS and Co-located Events will be invited to submit an extended and improved version to a Special Issue "Edge Computing in IoT Networks Based on Artificial Intelligence" published in MDPI Sensors Journal (ISSN: 1424-8220, JCR (2021): 3.847 (Q2))
MDPI Electronics Journal
Authors of selected papers from PAAMS and Co-located Events will be invited to submit an extended and improved version to a Special Issue "Advanced Architectures for Hybrid Edge Analytics Models on Adaptive Smart Areas" published in MDPI Electronics Journal (ISSN: 2079-9292, JCR (2021): 2.690 (Q3))
Authors of selected papers from PAAMS and Co-located Events will be invited to submit an extended and improved version to a Special Issue "Trends in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Simulating Cognitive Mimetics" published in MDPI Systems Journal (ISSN: 2079-8954, JCR (2021): 2.895 (Q2))
Authors of selected papers from PAAMS and Co-located Events will be invited to submit an extended and improved version to a Special Issue published in ADCAIJ (ISSN: 2255-2863, JCI (2021): 0,05(Q4)) indexed in DOAJ, ProQuest, Scholar, WorldCat, Dialnet, Sherpa ROMEO, Dulcinea, UlrichWeb, Emerging Sources Citation Index of Thomson Reuters, BASE y Academic Journals Database.

ISAmI'22 awards


"Using Deep Learning for Implementing Paraphrasing in a Social Robot" by Laura Martín Galván, Enrique Fernández-Rodicio, Javier Sevilla Salcedo, Álvaro Castro-González and Miguel A. Salichs


"Quantum AI: achievements and challenges in the interplay of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence" by Iñaki Fernández Pérez, Fernando de la Prieta, Sara Rodríguez-González, Juan M. Corchado and Javier Prieto

2022 Electronics MDPI Best papers

MDPI Electronics

"Nature-inspired algorithms and individual decision-making" by Juan Manuel Sánchez-Cartas and Inés Pérez-Sancristóbal

"Real-time algorithm recommendation using meta-learning" by Guilherme Palumbo, Miguel Guimarães, Davide Carneiro, Paulo Novais, and Victor Alves

"A Flexible Agent Architecture in SPADE" by Javier Palanca, Jaime A. Rincon, Carlos Carrascosa, Vicente Julian, and Andres Terrasa

"A Hybrid Model to Classify Physical Activity Profiles" by Vítor Crista, Diogo Martinho, Jorge Meira, João Carneiro, Juan Corchado and Goreti Marreiros

2022 Systems MDPI Best Papers


First Award: "The use of corporate architecture in planning and automation of production processes" by Zbigniew Juzoń, Jarosław Wikarek, and Paweł Sitek

Second Award: "Data Synchronization in Distributed Simulation of Multi-Agent Systems" by Paul Breugnot, Bénédicte Herrmann, Christophe Lang, and Laurent Philippe

Third Award: "The case for Somalia and Sudan debt relief. Insights from the evolution of HIPC countries using machine learning methods" by Tony Persico